HK5K 2024

HK5K 2024

6 octobre 2024Guelph, Ontario

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What: A volunteer-organized 5km fun race.  All proceeds go to United Way Guelph. 

When: October 6th, 2024 

Event Registration:

Opens: September 1st, 2024 8:00 AM

Closes: September 30th, 2024 11:59 PM

Race Day Schedule:

Registration: 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Race Start: 10:00 AM

Awards Ceremony: 11:00 AM

Where: The Arboretum, Guelph Ontario

The Course: ~2.5km gravel loop with no road crossings completed twice. 



Early Bird Price - (Before September 23/2024) $15 

Regular Price - (After September 23/2024) $20 

T-shirt - $20 (Available for purchase at event)

Race Kit: Registration includes a unique HK5K race bib and snacks + water. 

Parking: Free parking on campus every weekend. Parking lots along East Ring Rd. 

Directors: Jonah Taylor, Sofia Prizio, Rachel Handy, Katrin Turetskiy